Sunday, 13 December 2015

Life Cycle

photo credit:

Today’s Sunday service was all about the senior citizens in the church so they were given the responsibility of handling every aspect of the service. I must confess, when the service started, I told myself that this would probably be one of those services I would have wished I stayed back because, err…, well, they are old people! Thankfully, it was fun. It was like someone presenting to you something you would ordinarily know in another way. Here comes Grandpa Amos Ayangbemi Okunlola. He loves singing, reading and telling stories. He’s such a great teacher. So according to him, here are the stages of life:

1.       Tender tens: This is the age to be bent, straightened, taught and brought up

2.       Teachable twenties

3.       Tireless thirties: at this age, many are still very much full of strength and so they want to do many things and everything.

4.       Fiery forties: this is the age of struggle. A fool at forty is a fool forever they say. So all that the individual couldn’t achieve in the first three stages, he wants to struggle to meet up with.

5.       Forceful fifty: at this point, you sorta become the history teacher for the younger ones. It is the period to teach and impart the younger ones, telling them your mistakes and wanting them to avoid your pitfalls.

6.       Serious sixty: at this time, your life says to you that it’s time to reflect, recount and think back.

7.       Sacred seventy: at the family meetings or community sittings, your opinion is sought to settle problems and rifts. No one punishes you for anything. You become an authority. If you are able to make it to this point, you begin to prepare to meet your maker. Set things in order.

8.       Aching eighty: obviously, you cannot race as fast as you could when you were ten at this point. Body and joint pains here and there.

9.       Shrinking ninety: you begin to melt. Clothes now sag probably due to a smaller body frame

10.   Horrible/ honourable hundred: you are either the horrible old man abandoned by all to suffer because you have been a nasty and not so friendly a fellow or you are the honourable one whom every one adores and rallies round to support.

The better parts of our lives are spent preparing for old age. Preparing for the unexpected such as widowhood or loneliness is also important. In all, clinging to God as one’s hope throughout life is paramount. Know that He is in charge and that he cares so all will be well.

I really enjoyed the service. Being old aint that dull. It’s awesome. Age gracefully guys!

Wednesday, 14 October 2015


What makes a man?
A question that has been bothering my mind,
Different philosophers spill out their definitions,
After a hard pondering, here is my submission.

What makes a man is not the bulging cowries in his trousers,
Nor is it the deep oceans of alcohol he swims in,
Neither is it in the number of skirts he has nailed,
Not even the wads of cash that dangles in his pocket like pendulum.

It is not the thick liquid metamorphosed into helpless foetus,
Who says it is his parade of cars?
Did I hear someone mention "six packs"?
Hell no, all these makes not a man.

So what makes a man? You would ask,
The quality of his thought I would say,
What he does in his secret place,
The decision he makes certainly makes him!

What makes a man?
Doing what he doesn't want to do,
When he does not want to do it,
Because it is the right thing to do.

What makes a man?
His ability to alter his ideas to fit the truth,
And not alter the truth to fit his ideas.
The life of Christ indwelling in him.

All these is what truly makes a man.
A man is never born but made!!!

As written and composed by Bamidele Seth.
He is an undergraduate of the department of  Communication and Language Arts at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Family and Friends


Woke up feeling great

What be it that makes my heart so glad?

Is it the food to be served in my plate?

Or the money I had?

Could it be the package I was expecting?

Or the pair of shoe I was going to get?

Could it be what I am currently imagining?

That I cruised round the planet?

No! It is beyond these and all

I could not have asked for anything better

But here I am having them all

Family and friends that make me better

So I feel great

Knowing that I am rich, I appreciate

For God blessed me beyond measure

With wonderful family and friends!

To all the wonderful people I have come across in life. Those who God is using to make me a better person. I cannot list you all. Know that I Love you all!

Don’t wait till they are gone before you know their worth.




Happy Independence Day Nigeria

This day October 1st marks the anniversary of Nigeria's independence day. It's been 55 years of the Lord's goodness in this beautiful land and we hope to get to a better place.
 Let us also remember that whoever the Son of Man shall set free is free indeed. Don't let the devil keep making you feel guilty of what Christ's blood has wiped off.
Happy independence day to all both home and abroad and happy new month. It will be greater than the past. Certainly!

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Happy New Month

Happy New Month y'all. It will be better than September! Let's start thankfully!

Goodbye Polio

As Nigeria is happy that the World Health Organisation has removed her from the list of polio spreading countries, thanks to the concerted efforts of everyone, remember that giving your child the vaccine at the right time is still important. Take good care of your babies so that their future can thank you for not crippling them in the lower limbs!

God's time

Just thought of sharing this with us. As you pray, don't lose your patience. God is never too late. He is beautiful for situations. This I know for sure! October is almost here! Await with joy and gladness

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

It's Just a Shadow!

There are many silly and funny things we did as children. When you recall, it turns out to be a great memory. One of such things that I did was to play with my shadow. Once you are able to locate your shadow, it either becomes something you try to run faster than or something you try to be taller than. I think I even tried standing on my shadow and making it stand straight when it appeared bent. Oh my childhood!
Psalm 23 is a very popular psalm read almost everywhere and at all times. I think someone once said Psalm 23 over a meal we were about to eat. I must have opened my eyes slightly to peep at the person and ask myself silently, ‘Really? What happened to ‘Bless this food Oh Lord for Christ’s sake, amen!?”
Back to the Psalmist who in verse 4 of the popular Psalm said,
“Even though I walk through the valley of the SHADOW of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me”
Recall that he did not say the valley of death itself. He said even if it is valley of the SHADOW of death, how much more death itself. He had nothing to fear because shadows are but temporal. If God can take care of the shadow, then He can take care of that situation creating the shadow. So whether we are crawling, walking, running or flying through the valley, He is right by our side; giving us all the comfort we need.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
And through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you;
When you walk through the fire you shall not be burned,
And the flame shall not consume you. (Isaiah 43:2)
Be still dear friend and know that He is God!

Monday, 28 September 2015

Should I Give My Tithe?

A couple of months ago, I had a conversation with an elderly man who seemed to think that his tithe should be given/ paid to the poor and needy rather than paying it at the church. Not quite long after that conversation, I also met a young dude who was of the same opinion.

Their argument? Why give it to the church that is rich already when you can give it to the poor who is in need of it? Why give it to the church that has a rich or well to do man of God when you can give it to someone who will happily and whole heartedly pray for you? Isn’t that like pouring a bucket full of water into an ocean?

Well, I was almost tempted to agree with them but I remembered the standard for our lives was God’s word so off I went to consult the Almighty Standard. I was made to understand that the WHOLE TITHE is to be brought into the storehouse/ temple (Good News Translation) so that there will be plenty of food there (Malachi 3:10).

Now, if the store house is the needy, and plenty of food happens to be there, how do you eat of it? Besides, I’m of the opinion that the storehouse is the place where you worship. When you give your tithe to your place of worship, you benefit from it one way or the other. Whether the church uses the money for missions or the money is used to fuel the generator that makes the fan you enjoy during service work.

When you give to the needy, that is charity. Almsgiving and not tithe. If you do not know what the needy is doing with your ‘tithe’, why bother what the church will use your tithe for?

If you have not been giving your tithe before, endeavor to do that. If 90% is not enough for you, then 10% won’t be. Give it and let God wow you. It’s never a regrettable action.

Ciao mi amor!

Missed it!

There ought to have been an eclipse of the moon early this morning while I was snoozing. Well, turned out that I missed it or did not see it here in Nigeria. I guess it was same for many as my antenna ears gathered that I was not the only one who missed it or rather did not see it.

The story is however different in other parts of the world as pictures of the super blood moon has been trending all over the social media. If you haven’t seen it, see it now…
As seen in  Cape Town, South Africa (Photo credit: Twitter)
As seen over Mt. Shasta in Northern California (Photo credit: twitter user  @UGallery)

As seen reported by Indiana DNR photographer John Maxwell (

Sunday, 27 September 2015


So tonight, we will be experiencing the lunar eclipse. For those of you that have watched many vampire movies, this is the blood moon time. And if you believe in vampires, well, good luck. In Madea's voice: They are gonna get you! Just kidding.

 It’s going to be happening in the middle of the night so if you are an early to bed type, you won’t get to see it but if you are the ‘kerosene’ type that goes to bed late, congrats. Your kerosene nature is beneficial after all.

 According to scientists, it might be happening between 1:00am and 6:00 am (Nigerian time o). I do hope to see it. Do you?


photo credit:CNN
This last week, the Pope visited the United States of America and it was massive. He was said to have impacted and addressed many, from the congressmen to the over a thousand people he held mass with. I particularly watched the part where he asked people to pray for him also.

Well, the Pope is not the only minister or servant of God who asked to be prayed for. Apostle Paul also wrote in the third chapter of his second letter to the Thessalonians asking them to pray for him and his co- workers in the vineyard so that God’s word may speed ahead and be honoured.

You may not be able to go into the thick forests and interior villages to reach out to people but you can pray for those who do so. That way, you are partnering with the missionaries on the field. You need to pray for those God uses to speak to you and bless your life. It could be your Sunday school teacher, departmental head, pastor or even your folks and close pals. By strength shall no man prevail. We all need prayers. And it always feels good knowing that someone is praying for you. Don’t wait till they are gone before you pray for them.

Friday, 25 September 2015


The oldest competitive sprinter also known as ‘Golden Bolt’ who set the new record, or better put, broke his record, is Hidekichi Miyazaki, a Japanese aged 105 years. He completed the 100 meter sprint in 42.22 seconds at the Kyoto Masters on Wednesday. Amazing right? Some of us cannot achieve that feat at quarter his age. Exercise is good for the body. Take time to work out

Photo credit: CNN

Magnificent voice

Ring! Ring!! She picks up the phone. “Hello! Good morning”, she said. The caller responded in like manner. “Ah! Yinka! How are you doing?”, she asked. Yinka, amazed that his friend was quick to recognize his voice, asked her, “How did you know I was the one?” Then she responded, “I know your voice”.

I have a friend whose voice is close to the masculine line. It’s so close that when she speaks in the female hostel of our school, the ladies would quickly wrap up thinking there was a man in the hostel at the time that was not the visiting hour.

The Psalmist in Psalm 29 also recognized that God’s voice is powerful and magnificent and he was quick to tell us that God’s voice is over the waters, powerful and majestic. The voice breaks the cedars, strikes with flashes of lightning, shakes the desert, twists the oaks and strips the forest bare. Wow! Stripping a forest bare?? Awesome!

What a better understanding. Got any problem? Let Him speak. When we ask God to speak into any situation, we know that He will shake the situation up, break its bars, twist its oak and strip it bare. How great is our God.

Everything God does is marked with simplicity and power- Tertullian

Thursday, 24 September 2015

I guess this is the English version of the Yoruba proverb that literally says that you face the one from  whom you want  to make a purchase and ignore the noise in the market. @maxlucado_daily also knows that. Mind you, the Yoruba people are majorly people from the South Western part of Nigeria, West Africa.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

The door


Once upon a door, it was opened by everybody and anybody. When some knocked, they waited for the usual ‘yes, who is there?’ response before attempting to open while others would just knock and before you could open your mouth to query who was knocking, the door was opened.  Then came the new door that knocked out the old.

This new door can only be opened from the inside. You can open from the outside only if you have the key. Now, whenever anyone knocks, he or she has no choice other than to wait for a response from someone inside. This door comes with a benefit. If you do not want to see the person after looking into the lens on the door, you simply turn around and the person assumes there is nobody at home.

We all have doors to our lives. Some wait for you to open up before coming into your life while others just come in all the same. But, there is someone who simply waits for you to open up when He knocks. He says, ‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears and listens to and heeds My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will eat with him, and he [will eat] with Me. (Revelations 3: 20).

You won’t lose anything by opening to Him. You will experience joy unspeakable and peace beyond explanation. Do not peep through the hole and turn back to your old self. Open to a new chapter.

If you are yet to receive Christ Jesus as Lord and would love to, just say this prayer: Lord Jesus, I thank you for the provision of salvation. Thank you for your blood. I open up to you my life. Be my master and my Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

Bless you.
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Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Oluwa2big: WORRY LESSignitechurch.comA look at the creatio...

Oluwa2big: WORRY LESS
A look at the creatio...
: if you can grow taller by worrying, worry. if you can't, then leave it in God's hands. He's got it! ;-)

A look at the creation story makes me see how special you and I are to God. When God created most things, the Bible states that ‘God saw that it was good’ (Genesis 1: 4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25). However, it was after He created man He looked at everything and at this point, the Bible states ‘it was VERY good’ (Genesis 1:31 KJV). As a matter of fact, ‘it was SO good, SO VERY GOOD! (Genesis 1:31 The Message Bible)

Why was it after He made man that everything became very good? He made us in His image, skillfully crafting us like the Master Artist that He is.

This knowledge therefore makes me believe that He who saw the ‘so very good’ in me has great plans for me. Therefore, I can’t be found worrying about my life. For I know the thoughts He has for me are good (Jeremiah 29:11). So I cast all my cares upon Him for He cares for me (1 Peter 5:7) and I know that I am in safe hands. So are you.

Monday, 21 September 2015

The wise woman... I really hope you guys can see the picture clearly

Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands (Proverbs 14:1 KJV)


photo credit:
We face different situations daily. In some situations, we are faced with the “I-can’t” man telling us it’s impossible for us to accomplish a particular feat. Guess what? That is Mr. Fact knocking your brains out.

Good news is, Mr. Truth comes to the rescue. He reminds us that when the situation says we can’t, we have The One who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly, above what we could ever ask or think. Mr. Fact is always screaming for you to notice him. He tells you just what you can see. On the other hand, Mr. Truth calmly and reassuringly calms your fears.

I will be sharing the lyrics to the song, Voice of Truth by Casting Crowns. It was one of the soundtracks to the 2006 movie ‘Facing the Giants’. It’s a true picture of the Voice of Truth. Hope it changes your mindset. Enjoy…

Oh what I would do to have
The kind of faith it takes to climb out of this boat I'm in
Onto the crashing waves

To step out of my comfort zone
To the realm of the unknown where Jesus is
And He's holding out his hand

But the waves are calling out my name and they laugh at me
Reminding me of all the times I've tried before and failed
The waves they keep on telling me
Time and time again. 'Boy, you'll never win! '
"You'll never win"

But the voice of truth tells me a different story
And the voice of truth says "Do not be afraid!"
And the voice of truth says "This is for My glory"
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth

Oh what I would do to have
The kind of strength it takes to stand before a giant
With just a Sling and a stone
Surrounded by the sound of a thousand warriors
Shaking in their armor
Wishing they'd have had the strength to stand

But the giant's calling out my name and he laughs at me
Reminding me of all the times I've tried before and failed
The giant keeps on telling me
Time and time again "boy, you'll never win!
"You'll never win"

But the voice of truth tells me a different story
And the voice of truth says "Do not be afraid!"
And the voice of truth says "This is for My glory"
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth

But the stone was just the right size
To put the giant on the ground
And the waves they don't seem so high
From on top of them looking down
I will soar with the wings of eagles
When I stop and listen to the sound of Jesus
Singing over me

But the voice of truth tells me a different story
And the voice of truth says "Do not be afraid!"
And the voice of truth says "This is for My glory"
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe
I will choose to listen and believe

I will listen and believe
I will listen and believe the voice of truth

I will listen and believe
Cause Jesus you are the voice of truth

Henceforth, when your Mr. Fact voice tells you stuffs like you are weak, tell him the voice of truth says you are strong. Speak life from now on.
photo credit:

Much love mi amor!

Thursday, 17 September 2015


When I was a new entrant at my secondary school (high school), the need to have a signature dawned on me. So I came up with almost everything and anything I could formulate. Finally, I settled for one. And it had to be consistent. Oh what a tough time I had! You probably have experienced same too.

There’s a better signature all around us. Day in day out, they tell of God’s amazing wonder! The beautiful sky that sometimes appears to be moving, the vast ocean, land and sea creatures and other sceneries. So amazing!

 I had the opportunity of visiting a water fall in Kutiang Village, Obudu Local Government of Cross River state, Nigeria. It felt great feeling the great rush of the water (my first time at a water fall ;-) ). Truly, it was God’s signature. I’m trying so hard to explain His signature but hard as I try, I’m short of words! Wait! I think I found a better way to explain it…

When I view and consider your heavens, the work of your fingers,

The moon and the stars, which You have ordained and established,

What is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You care for him?

O Lord. Our Lord, how excellent (majestic and glorious) is Your name in all the earth! (Psalm 8: 3,4,9)

So vast is His signature. They praise God always. I am His signature. And so are you.

Got a beautiful picture or image depicting God’s signature? Please share with me here or on my Facebook page with the hash tag #HisSignature.

Would love to hear from you.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

The visiting hour
Some of us are familiar with visiting hours in the hospital setting while some of us are not. I have seen hospital sign boards informing the general public of their visiting hours and of course,the visiting hour does not last long. It usually is not more than an hour in a day but the generous ones can extend it to two hours.
I guess there are other instituitions that have visiting hours if not a visiting day (like I used to have while in secondary school or what some would call high school). In these instituitions, as well as the hospital, any visit aside the stipulated hour was not permitted or encouraged.
Thankfully, we have a Father who doesn’t give us a visiting day or hour. We can call upon Him anytime and He will answer. He is never angry wether we call Him in the middle of the night or at the break of dawn. Unlike me. I really don’t attend to midnight phone calls. It either has to be scheduled or it is an emergency, a matter of life and death. He is ever ready to hear us and listen. He hears when we call. What an amazing Father.
Unfortunately,while He has not given us the ‘visiting hour’ or ‘visiting day’,humans have decided to give Him one. Some of us only meet Him on Sundays. Like “Hey God! It’s good to see you and hear you today. See you next week.” While some of us just make our visiting hour when we have the time to. And it’s probably just two minutes or so. Some people’s visiting hour is when they are in urgent need of  something or when in a dilemma.
I want to encourage us to relate with Him better. Visit Him often. Create a journal.His loving arms are always open wide. You’ll discover that you have been limiting yourself all the while. Or should I say cheating yourself?
Experience Him more.
Much love. Ciao.
photo credit :

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Small but MIGHTY

When we hear people say “small but mighty”, so many things come to mind. We either think of short 'vertically challenged' people doing big tasks or things that look small but when examined, weigh beyond what the eyes have judged.

The small but mighty creatures I am writing about are the ants. In the sixth chapter of the book of Proverbs, the sixth verse says:         

“You lazy fool, look at an ant. Watch it closely; let it teach you a thing or two.”

(The Message Bible).
Photo credit:

 I regard no one as a lazy fool though, but let us examine some interesting facts about the ants as the Bible has instructed and learn a thing or two, or even more from them.



This simply means that when an enemy attacks their colony, they fight to keep the enemy away until the enemy dies. Then and only then are they at peace.

 The lesson to draw from here is to never give up when the challenges of life stare us in the face. No matter how terrible and difficult it is, we shall overcome for we are more than conquerors through Him (God) that loved us (Romans 8:37) and though we be troubled on every side, we are not distressed (2 Corinthians 4:8).




I bet you did not know this. One of the stomachs holds food for itself while the other stomach (the social stomach) holds food to be shared with others.

Ours might not necessarily be a stomach, but we should and can at least have a heart that remembers the need of other people around us. Something to share with others. You will be surprised by the level of joy you will derive from meeting the needs of people around you especially when it happens in the nick of time. It may be financially, morally, spiritually, academically or even concerning issues pertaining to relationship (say in the form of a word of advice).

You just might be making someone’s day. So whenever we wake up each day, let us remember that someone somewhere needs us just as we need someone. No man can be Island. After all, there is love in sharing.




The lesson there is somewhat similar to that of lesson 2. I picture these creatures as not being selfish. They find food in a place and before you know it, they are all over the place. They do not hide that which they have been blessed with. Rather, they go back to alert the others.

Some humans are not like this. They would rather clear the whole table than leave some crumbs for those who do not have. This should not be so. Let us endeavor to teach others the good principles which made us successful in life rather than ensuring that nobody amounts to the good we have become. Leave a trail for others to be blessed.

This is similar to what Boaz commanded his workers so that Ruth could have some things to take home (Ruth 2:15-16). This will reduce joblessness and unemployment in a way.



These small but mighty creatures get a lot of things done by ensuring that each one works in different areas, such as being a soldier, a worker or a queen.

photo credit:
I look at some people and see that because they want to be noticed as being hard hardworking, they would not allow other people do other things. They would not delegate duties. It should be known that one of the factors that disturb our health is stress. Give those around you a sense of responsibility and belonging and let them know that the success or downfall of that responsibility lies in their hands.

If we do this, a lot is covered and our leisure will be pleasurable.


photo credit:

I observed that as the ants move along the wall, even in their busy schedule, they stop by each other for a few seconds and move on. I suggest you stop by anywhere you find them moving in their lines and observe them too. Those coming stop by those going for a few seconds and the journey continues. I do not know what goes on in those few seconds but I believe the scenario might be that of checking up on each other.

It’s funny that a friend whom you haven’t called for ages calls you and the next thing you say is “Ahn ahn! All these days, you did not even remember me, call me or even send a simple text.” Why did you not call or send a text to him or her finding out why you have been forgotten?

Lesson is, no matter how busy your schedule is, remember to say hello to your friends and ask how it has been going with them. Some people die on the inside because nobody seems to care for them. Make out time to hear from long lost relatives and let them be happy that it is not only when you need something that you remember they exist.

Know any other thing we could learn from the ants? Will be pleased to hear from you... Ciao