Thursday, 1 October 2015

Family and Friends


Woke up feeling great

What be it that makes my heart so glad?

Is it the food to be served in my plate?

Or the money I had?

Could it be the package I was expecting?

Or the pair of shoe I was going to get?

Could it be what I am currently imagining?

That I cruised round the planet?

No! It is beyond these and all

I could not have asked for anything better

But here I am having them all

Family and friends that make me better

So I feel great

Knowing that I am rich, I appreciate

For God blessed me beyond measure

With wonderful family and friends!

To all the wonderful people I have come across in life. Those who God is using to make me a better person. I cannot list you all. Know that I Love you all!

Don’t wait till they are gone before you know their worth.





  1. Happy new month n happy yet anoda independence celebration

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. same to you dear. thanks a lot

  4. Nice one here Tobiloba.
    It's good we appreciate people while they still live.
    Thumbs up
